Use Facebook local targeting ads to enhance AdWords search campaigns for better conversion.

AdWords has a huge area of focusing on choices and additionally area expansions for seek promotions, yet they’re yet to draw out an advertisement formats that is essentially intended to drive conversions into blocks and mortar stores. And Facebook local ads enhance AdWords search campaigns relevancy and help in local SEO too.
I anticipate it won’t be long until you can offer for a place in the nearby postings, however until at that point, AdWords publicists are left searching for an approach to straightforwardly incite clients to visit a physical premises. That’s why, it was necessary to identify way of Facebook local ads enhance AdWords search campaigns and for Local SEO keyword research.
Luckily, Facebook have invented this ad format in the form of their local awareness ads. These ads are designed to allow the user to click a call-to-action to get directions to the specific local stores.
Using AdWords search campaigns and Facebook’s local awareness ads together will create the ultimate footfall driving campaign.
  • Run AdWords search ads targeting keywords which include the location specific keywords related to your store, for example ‘shoe shop oxford street’
  • Land those users on a page specifically about your store in that location, and make sure the Facebook pixel is also present on that page
  • Create several audiences on Facebook, based on the visitors of each page about your store locations (for example you might have an audience for visitors of the Oxford Street page, the Brighton page etc)
  • Create a local awareness campaign in Facebook, including an ad set for each of your store locations
  • Place the audience for each location page as an audience on each of the ad sets in Facebook
  • Also include location targeting on the Facebook ad sets, so the user must be within a particular radius of your local store
  • The ads will then show to users who have previously visited your site and looked for the store location, but only once they’re near enough to the store to be likely to visit it
The great thing about this is that you don’t need to rely on the user to be searching actively at that moment, they could simply happen to be in town with their friends and then you can remind them that your store is near, because you know they’ve been interested in that store before as they have visited your store location page for it.
