Learn to Distinguish Bidding between B2B and B2C searchers on AdWords using Facebook’s data

Bidding is the most irritating things about bidding based on keywords rather than audience data is that you need to make a figure about who the individual is tying that particular keywords. So you have to setup a different Bid B2B and B2C searchers on AdWords using Facebook’s data.
When you offer an item or product or service that is just B2B, it turns out to be considerably harder to recognize B2B and B2C searchers, without passing up a great opportunity for loads of potential keywords.
You can target clients on Facebook who are probably going to be occupied with your services from a B2B point of view, and after that utilization RLSAs to catch them on look, guaranteeing that the snaps you pay for on AdWords are applicable for your B2B benefit.
Ready to start with Bid B2B and B2C searchers on AdWords using Facebook’s data?
  • Run a wide reaching Facebook ads campaign to business owners, managers and decision makers, with ads about your product or service. Try layering other interest targeting on it which is likely to make the audience relevant. For example if you offered digital marketing services, you might target all digital marketing managers.
  • If you have access to Facebook’s Partner Categories then you can use this to target by job role too
  • Tag these ads with UTM tracking code, so you can easily identify this traffic in Google Analytics
  • Create a remarketing list in Google Analytics consisting of these visitors
  • Create your search campaign (use wider, broad terms as the user is already quite qualified)
  • Apply the RLSA list to the ad groups in the campaign using the target and bid setting
The result is search ads which will only show to B2B searchers because they are on your remarketing list which was created to collect only members who came from your Facebook ad targeting that was based on users relevant job titles.
Hopefully this tactics have given you some inspiration on how you can use Facebook and AdWords together to get the best results. If you have any other ideas for how they can be combined feel free to leave a comment below!
