How to Connect Facebook Custom Audiences and Gmail Sponsored Promotions Ads Together?

Facebook Custom Audience and Gmail Ads by using Customer Match targeting and Facebook ads using Custom Audiences are a match made in heaven. You’ve probably already tested using the same email list for targeting on both Facebook and Gmail Sponsored Promotions.

Wanna Learn To Use Facebook Custom Audience and Gmail Ads Together?

To supercharge this tactic you can segment your mailing list in Facebook so that the users on the list who are Gmail users are in one ad set, and the rest are in another. This means you can set higher bids in the ad set for people on your mailing list who are Gmail users, because you know you’ve primed them with your GSP message, so they might be closer to purchase.
You could even use this segmentation to show your Gmail users a slightly different message on Facebook from the rest of your mailing list, for example if you wanted to offer them a specific incentive.
How To Use Facebook Custom Audience and Gmail Ads Together?
  • Set up Gmail Sponsored Prmotions targeting your mailing list (learn how here)
  • Now Create a Facebook Custom Audience using the same mailing list that you used to create your AdWords Customer Match audience
  • After that create your Facebook ad set targeting the custom audience, and layer on behavioural targeting for Gmail users
How to Connect Facebook Custom Audiences and Gmail Sponsored Promotions Ads Together? 
  • Create another ad set in Facebook which targets your mailing lost, but this time exclude Gmail users, and lower the bid on this ad set because this audience has not been primed with GSPs

For example a subscription product such as Graze boxes could be targeting their email list of users who have taken up a free trial of the product but not yet fully subscribed, with both Gmail Sponsored Promotions and Facebook ads.\

Take a moment to consider the size of your Facebook audience once you place the Gmail layer over it, as you don’t want it to become too small. In my experience I used a mailing list of over 600k matches on Facebook, and adding the Gmail segment took it down to just 60k.
If your audience is too small you’ll struggle to show your ads.
